Monday, February 4, 2013

5 Negotiating Tactics When Seeking a Pay Rise

1. Wait
Listen to what your manager has to offer first. You never know, she might offer you a sum straight away that is higher than you want! If nothing materialises then you have to speak up.

2. Have a Scale
Set yourself a 'salary sliding scale'. Make sure the lower figure in your scale is still a number you'd be happy with. Pitch at the higher end of your scale. Then if you need to negotiate backwards - towards your middle, or even your lower figures - you'll still be happy with the outcome.

3. State Your Case, Don't Justify It
If you go to great lengths to explain why you're worth what you're asking for, you will sound unsure and this will dramatically weaken your position. Be polite but direct and keep your communication succinct.

4. Accept Only When You're Happy
If you aren't happy with an offer you are made, you don't have to accept it. Say you're unhappy straight away. You might get a surprised response but at least your manager will know you're serious. If you say nothing, or accept an offer that you believe falls short, you simply confirm that the valuation she has made of you is appropriate.

5. And If You Still Don't Get What You Want...
If nothing can be done, and you have to settle for the pay rise you've been offered, don't stop negotiating! Ask your manager to put in writing (email is fine) that your salary will take priority when salaries are next reviewed; request alternate compensation instead such as flexi-time; or seek alternate opportunities such as a performance bonus.


Read Similar Tips from Rebecca:

Are You Entitled to Ask for a Raise?

Asking for a Raise: A Tip From Suze Orman (Oprah)

Understand Your Value

Read This Fab Article By Dona DeZube:

10 Questions to Ask When Negotiating Salary

Are You Entitled to Ask For a Pay Rise?

Laura* and I have just reached the 'Assertiveness' segment of her coaching program and we were talking about pay rises.

She asked me, "But Rebecca, am I entitled to ask for a pay rise?"

The question made me inwardly gasp.

"What do you mean exactly Laura?" I asked, to be sure I understood her correctly.

"Well I've never asked for one before and I wondered whether I can ask."

I work with clients at all different stages of their careers. And when it comes to pay, some are negotiating multiple layered packages involving their base pay; flexi hours; and performance-based bonuses whilst others, like Laura, are unsure whether they should be asking for one at all.

"What makes you think you wouldn't be entitled to a pay rise?" I asked.

Laura stopped for a while. "I don't really know. I've always just been too scared to ask."

If there is one thing I've learnt from both personal experience and years of coaching corporate men and women, only you can determine your value and worth.

If you decide you're never worth a pay rise then that's up to you but remember, it's just your fear keeping you safe from potential rejection.

What if you do ask for a pay rise? What are the potential consequences?

A potential pay rise!

More importantly what if you don't ask? Surely the consequences are a whole lot worse.

I'd love to hear your stories and experiences having asked for a pay rise. Have you experienced this 'fear' of potential rejection? How did you manage it?


* Laura's name has been changed in view of client confidentiality.

Read More Strategies from Rebecca:

5 Negotiating Tactics to Ask For a Pay Rise

Asking for a Raise: A Tip From Suze Orman (Oprah)

Understand Your Value

Is Income Linked to Fulfilment?