Tips for Professional Women Wanting to Stand Out From The Crowd ... with Rebecca Allen
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Self Promotion: The 7 Vital Ingredients (Part 3 of 3)
We continue our exploration of tools to help you raise your profile at work - here is our last instalment covering:
Foundation 6: Taking ownership
Foundation 7: Career planning
Foundation 6: Taking Ownership
Our penultimate foundation is more of an attitude.
Let me share a story: Debbie sits down at the beginning of the year to consider what her 3 top professional objectives are for the next 12 months. Mary on the other hand drifts through her life, turning up to work every day without knowing how it fits into the big picture.
- Which of these women is more likely to enjoy fulfilment and success at work?
- Who has greater direction?
- Who will find it easier to raise awareness of her proile?
It's up to you to take ownership of your own career and how you spend your time. Are you working towards an objective or merely drifting along? If you're currently a 'drifter' ask what that is costing you weekly, monthly, annually?
Foundation 7: Career Planning
With the right attitudes in place you can become methodical about planning how your career will pan out. Think about the projects you want to work on this year. Think about the people you want to get to know. Think about key decision makers who would be useful to you and your career. Think about the reviews you need to schedule in.
There's no point in waiting for anyone else to do any of this for you - it is absolutely up to you to plan you own career and then take action...
... and then you can relish all your successes!
Self Promotion: The 7 Vital Ingredients (Part 2 of 3)
Why does self-promotion matter? Because without it you are allowing professional opportunities to pass you by, whether in terms of projects you could be working on or promotion opportunities.
Missing opportunities costs.
If in 12 months’ time you find yourself in the same position you are in today...
- What might that cost you financially?
- What would you be missing out on in terms of a larger monthly salary?
- What would the cumulative annual cost be?
- And how might that affect your confidence longer term?
Here we continue our exploration of the core foundations needed to raise your profile at work, with greater success.
Foundation 4: Identify key stakeholders
Foundation 5: Confidently sell you and your value
Foundation 4: Identify Key Stakeholders and Build Relationships
It’s vital that you pinpoint who the key decision makers and stakeholders are in your organisation. These are the people who can help you progress your career and will be different for everyone.
In some cases key HR personnel are the ones to target. If you have a good manager or someone in the senior staff, who believes in your development then s/he will be a good person to target. Clients can also be good people to build relationships with. Think about it: if a delighted client were to talk about you to your manager, how do you think that could help your chances of future promotion?
Create a strategy to network regularly with these people: maybe you take your client for lunch every 2-3 months; perhaps you schedule a monthly meeting with your manager to fill her in on your recent successes; maybe you identify where these stakeholders network and network there too! And it needn't be complicated: a coffee chat is just as good!
Continue and read about the 5th vital Foundation here!
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Self Promotion: The 7 Vital Ingredients (Part 1 of 3)
Australian women earn 18% less than men - why is that?
- Is it because women take time off to have children?
- Is it because women don’t ask for pay rises and/or promotions?
- Is it because women believe they need to have over 80% of the requirements on a job description, whilst men are happy to apply having just 30%?
The truth is, it’s probably a combination of all of these things. With only 47% of women ever asking for a pay rise (versus 64% of men) women definitely have an issue with self promotion.
Today we are exploring the first 3 foundations to help you understand your own brand at work. Just as Coca-Cola, Nike and Costa Coffee have a brand, so do you. Although these global conglomerates have a multitude of decision makers the reason the brand message and product is consistent is that all of these people are operating from the same brand values and mission. The employees know what their brand stands for and what it is here to do. And again, so should you!
Your challenge, should you choose to take it, is to apply the first 3 foundations and take action in the next 48 hours:
Foundation 1: Know your values
Foundation 2: Know your mission
Foundation 3: Know what value you add
Foundation 1: Know Your Values
So what do I mean by values? Think about a time when you really stood up for something you believed in. At that time, you were standing up for a value. A value is anything that is hugely important to you. Examples include behaviours (open-mindedness; walking your talk; pro-activity), personality traits (honesty; authenticity; treating people with respect), skills (timeliness; organisation; learning). Know what you stand for in the work place - and equally what you will NOT stand for. People like to know where they stand with one another and it’s important that you know how you wish to operate.
Read more about Foundations 2 and 3 - click here to read the entire article
Monday, October 11, 2010
VIDEO: Get Ahead Professionally in 2011!
Watch our 2 minute Welcome Video - see what goes on at 'Rise then Shine'! Are you a Business Owner or Professional Woman? We'd love you to join us at 'Rise then Shine' to help you surpass your professional objectives! • If you are a Small Business Owner, how much revenue are you losing by not having clear business objectives or a detailed business plan? • If you are a Professional, how much income are you losing out on through missed opportunities; poor career planning; and not knowing how to 'self promote' in your workplace? • Fear, self-doubt and procrastination hinder goal attainment. What other cost is this having to your health, self-esteem, success and relationships? Join us every 1st Wednesday of the month at 'Rise then Shine'! Set goals, mastermind your options in groups of 3-5 members and leave with an action plan!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
The Power Of Positive Affirmations
You may have heard of 'positive affirmations'. These short and snappy statements, about yourself and/or your abilities, can be powerful tools in helping you to achieve more of the outcomes you wish from your life and career.
When writing affirmations be as creative, descriptive and bold as you can! Then recite them as often as possible: it's a great way to start your day and definitely ideal just before you go to bed (so your subconscious mind can get to work on them whilst you sleep)!
Here are some ideas to get you going:
My life is full of abundance and I have everything I need
I proactively seek out valuable opportunities to further my career
I have all the resources I need to be successful
I lead my team with authenticity, passion and charisma
I attract positive people to me and give positivity to everyone I encounter
I am smart, caring, fun to be with and an attentive listener
N.B. Using affirmations to simply 'cover up' limiting decisions you have made about yourself (or your abilities) won't necessarily be all that effective. If you do have beliefs, that you know are holding you back (e.g. 'I'm not good enough...'; 'I'm not worthy of this....'), ask a coach like Rebecca to help you bust through them long term!
Quotes & Fresh Ideas
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Be Careful Who You Share Your Dreams With
How often have you set out to try something new, or do something you believe will bring greater happiness and fulfilment to your life, only for someone else to try and knock you back? The conversation might have gone something like this:
YOU: "I am so excited! I'm going to quit my job and pursue my dream career."
DREAM SNATCHER: "Oh really? Why would you want to do that?"
YOU: "Well I hate my job and I've always dreamt of being a chef."
DREAM SNATCHER: "Oh really? What about your mortgage - how will you
pay that?"
YOU: "Well..."
DREAM SNATCHER: "And what if it doesn't work -you've no guarantees. It's a huge risk, you must see that."
YOU: "Well actually I was thinking more about the benefits but... now you say that...."
Before this conversation happened, you were coming from a place of abundance and opportunity. You were looking for ways to make your life as you wished it to be. You love food, creativity and get high every time someone simpers over the food you have cooked.
The Dream Snatcher is always going to come from a place of scarcity and fear: What if this goes wrong? How will you cope? What if you fail? What if you run put of money?
Be careful who you share your dreams with.
When you're pursuing a change in your life, however big or small, surround yourself with people and environments that support you. Seek out people who have done what you are looking to achieve already, listen to what they have learnt, learn from their experiences and successes. Dream Snatchers have never dipped their toe into the sea of opportunity before... why on earth would they have useful opinions to offer you?
THink of it this way: If you wanted to buy an investment property would you ask your dad for advice if he had never bought one before... or someone with a portfolio of property worth over $10m?
When embarking on a new path, whatever it may be, there is no room for doubt or for doubters. -RW
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
VIDEO: Hear what Judith has to say about 'Rise then Shine'!
\ Listen to what Judith Clements has found coming to 'Rise then Shine' our goal setting breakfasts!
VIDEO: Listen to Wendy talk to us about 'Rise then Shine'
Wendy Lloyd Curley, one of our longer-term members, shares her experiences of 'Rise then Shine' goal setting breakfasts!
Monday, September 6, 2010
3 Tips To 'Give Back' Without Running Yourself Into The Ground
"I love giving my time to help other people: my friends, my kids, my community, my husband. But I find it leaves little time for me." - Renee
I'm sure we'd all agree: it is wonderful to want to give to others. In my role as a coach, I find it phenomenally rewarding to see clients blossom and take action to make positive change to their lives and partly due to my inputs. However in any role where you give your time to others, it is also vital to know your own boundaries to protect yourself and to ensure your good intentions are not taken advantage of. Here are some tips that might help:
1. Know what is and is NOT accceptable to you. This goes for everything: the behaviours and attitudes of others; how you use your time; which of your values are non-negotiables. Then set yourself some rules, or guidelines, to reflect this.
2. Set clear expectations by communicating your rules to those around you. It's always best to do this from the outset in any relationship but it is possible to do so in an established relationship too.
3. You don't need to say 'yes' to everything! If you would prefer to say 'no', do it! It can be extremely liberating! - RW
Love This Quote!
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Quotes I Love: Some Principles To Live By!
My mum, Linda, introduced me to Regina Brett: a woman who decided at age 90 to write 45 Life Principles, based on her own life experiences. Here are some that I love:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
3. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion, today is special.
4. And lastly: be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
Love it! - RW
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Is This YOUR Life's Purpose?
One of the greatest barriers to you leading a more fulfilling life is your own lack of awareness how it could be better.
Let's face it: life is busy. Hectic even. You've hundreds of thoughts, roles and activities to juggle daily. Maybe you're a mum, a taxi service, a lawyer, a laundry magician, a counsellor, an entertainer, a comedienne, Head of Logistics, a wife, a lover, a mathematician, Master Grocery Shopper and when you can fit it in, a Yogi.
That's a lot to take on!
The question is.. does all of it... or at least most of it bring you happiness and fulfilment?
If not, take a step back. Make some time for yourself. Go to the beach. Relax with a coffee. Put yourself, your dreams and your aspirations first. Suck your head out of the sand and ask yourself,
"Is this it? Am I leading my life's purpose?"
- Is this the life that I want above all else?
- Is this what gives me purpose?
- Is this what deeply fulfils me?
- Can I put my head on the pillow at night and feel satisfied in the knowledge that I've led the richest of rich days?
Now I'm not saying that every day can be wholly enriching. And I'm not suggesting we don't all have bad, or off, days. Because of course we all do.
But what I am saying, is that it is up to each of us to decide how we wish to lead our own lives. And to take daily steps, however small, towards living that life. However grand. However ideal. However wonderful. - RW
Join us to 'Sculpt Your Life', our Longer Term goal planning program, if you want to start getting clarity on your longer term plans (and purpose)! Visit
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Fulfilled Life: Does Luck Enter Into It?
In my career coaching practice, one of the things I hear fairly commonly is this:
"The ideal career doesn't exist. I mean, people who enjoy what they do for a living just got lucky."
Possibly. Possibly not.
One of the most sensible things someone very close to me once said was, "You create your own luck". The more I think about this mantra, and apply it to my own life, the more it makes sense to me.
To lead a life that gives you purpose requires for you to live it purposefully. That means 'with intention, with direction, with gusto'!
Ask yourself:
"What sort of people do I want around me in my life?"
"What sort of career would best fulfill me?"
"What am I truly here to do?"
"If I could wave a wand, how would I make my life different?"
"If I were to look back on my life at age 85, what did it have to include for me to rest happy?"
Why not seek out your 'ideals'. They are, after all, what will bring you the deepest satisfaction, happiness and success in your life.
- RW
'You only live once. Decide what you're here to do.TM'
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
6 Tips To Be Better at Budgeting!
I'm no financial planner but what I can share with you are a number of strategies that my clients have developed to help them budget more effectively.
1. The first step is to be totally honest with yourself about your outgoings and take action to make positive change to your spending habits:
2. Go through your bills and list all your outgoings: mortgage/ rent; utilities; fees; loan/visa re-payments; car maintenance; clothes; children; travel; social; sport; hobbies; groceries; weekday lunches; weekend meals and entertainment; professional services (massage, hairdresser, chiropractor) etc. Don't stop until you have everything listed and you get a reality check as to where all your money is going; you might want to make sure you're sitting down!
3. Decide what can be cut from your list of outgoings: what can you easily do without? Simple things, like taking lunch to work three days a week, could save you over $1000 a year! Now decide what you are going to do with all that money you will save each month!
4. Make a solid monthly commitment to clear any credit card debt. Avoid 'impulse buys' by leaving your credit card at home!
5. As soon as you get paid (by your employer), pay yourself i.e. transfer money immediately to a savings account (away from your everyday account). You won't even notice it's gone and will steadily help you to build a healthy reserve!
6. Invest in a qualified financial planner to help you get on top of your finances and start planning for your future. Always seek advice from a trained professional. - RW
Monday, August 2, 2010
3 Tips To Enjoy More 'Me' Time - The Value of Self-Care
We all know it's important to look after ourselves; without 'health', we've got very little! Despite knowing this, taking time out to relax is still low on the priority list for many of us.
If 'feeling selfish' is your barrier it's important to note that there is an enormous difference between 'selfishness' and 'self care'. The latter is all about making the time to nurture yourself; to wind down; to clear your mind so that you are more effective - both for yourself and others.
Here are some tips to help you make 'time for me' more of a priority:
1. Say 'no' sometimes! Put your own values and priorities first more often than you are doing and remember this is you being 'self-caring' not 'selfish'.
2. Diary everything else around your 'me time' rather than trying to shoehorn some relaxation in at the end of the week!
3. Once you're in the midst of enjoying some well-deserved 'me time' live in the moment and do enjoy it! Turn everything else off and if any self-imposed guilty thoughts creep in, remind yourself of the importance of self-care!
- RW
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
INTERVIEW: Julie Hamilton, our speaker on 7 July
If you missed our speaker on 7 July: Julie Hamilton, Editor-in-Chief of Omigoddess Magazine, here's my take on Julie's advice for you!
What is the biggest myth around approaching the media?
There tends to be a fear around approaching Editors: will s/he reject me? Will s/he think my idea won't work? The truth of the matter is, Editors are screaming out for content; they’ve lots of space to fill and your idea, if it truly is interesting and newsworthy, could be exactly what makes their day!
What are Editors really looking for?
Apart from newsworthy stories, they are also looking for a personality. Think about how you stand out from the crowd. Think about a positive angle. Look for a punchy statistic to lead with. They’re also looking for experts - one quick way to do this is to start writing a blog, as blogposts can easily translate into a column.
How would I approach a newspaper or magazine?
At all times, approach the Editor. Call the switchboard to get their contact details. Be persistent but polite! Phone first and pitch your idea succinctly. Offer to email your idea to them and do so within the hour. Follow the editor up a couple of days later - but only follow up once; no-one likes a stalker! And keep sending ideas. If you do get a ‘no thank you’ don’t take it personally; it’s more likely to be a case of bad timing.
How about TV or radio?
The same principles apply: contact the switchboard and find out the contact details of the program Producer. Call them and pitch your segment idea. Make sure you have a thorough understanding of the program’s content and how your idea can add value to its audience.
What other top tips can you share with us to help us get noticed?
1. Have a detailed email signature - this helps Editors obtain your contact details quickly.
2. If blogging, post regularly - at least weekly.
3. Put short video clips on your site - it improves dwell time.
4. Be prepared to make a mistake - because you will - and you will take positive learnings from them!
If you have an idea you’d like to pitch to Julie you can email her at or visit the website here.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Rise Then Shine!
Just so fantastic to see so many of you at Rise Then Shine this morning! Our theme was 'self promotion' whether that be in your business, for a product or for yourself.
Remember Coco Chanel's fabulous quote:
"In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different!"
Look out for our interview with our speaker from today, Julie Hamilton Editor of Omigoddess Magazine, very soon!
- RW
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Ask Rebecca How... To Raise Your Profile At Work
Ask Rebecca How... we welcome your challenges and offer ideas to help you meet them. Jayne has posed the following concern:
"I'd like to increase my profile at work and would love some tips to help me."
1. Firstly, know your own personal 'brand' and what you stand for. Set aside at least 30 minutes and make a list of the following: your core strengths (include personality traits, skills, things you do well naturally); where you add specific value to your company; key personal and professional accomplishments.
2. Next know your market: who are your key stakeholders? Your immediate manager; a more senior individual; peers who could become strong advocates of your personal brand?
3. Build a powerful network: it really is who you know! Consider who you need to get to know and who you need to build stronger relationships with. The key is to do a little and often: establishing trust takes time!
4. Consider upcoming events where you can shine! Career fulfilment stems largely from purposeful and pro-active career planning and being in the right place at the right time. Which projects will give you the experience and exposure you need?
5. Set yourself specific goals, or milestones, to give your Personal Profile plans focus and make sure you acknowledge every success you have along the way! - RW
- RW
Your CV: Why Your Experience to Date Is Just Not Enough
Take the average CV. Here's a snapshot:
1. Personal details
2. Executive summary (always good but only a handful of candidates seem to include this)
3. Professional experience (with some detail of each role performed, including dates)
4. Qualifications (professional, then university, then secondary school)
5. The fun stuff (a brief insight into your personality and interests)
That average CV tells me, and a recruiter, about where you've come from but it tells me very little as to where you want to go.
One of the most powerful additions you can make to your existing CV is a quick summary of where you'd like to take your career. It's a means to explain how the job you are applying for fits into your overall strategy and career plan. Not only does this forward-thinking demonstrate a care for your own professional progression, it also shows 'maturity' and 'leadership', both traits that recruiters and employers are looking for.
Here are some tips to finesse your CV:
1. Do the basics well: have a clean layout with plenty of white space around your words; keep your CV to 2 pages; use a legible font size; use your computer's spell checker first and then proof read it yourself.
2. Use a similar structure to that outlined above. Include an executive summary which should comprise of a few bullet points outlining your experience to date.
3. After your executive summary add a brief overview of your vision for your current and future career; 2-3 bullet points will suffice. Explain how the role you are applying for fits in and how it will be a stepping stone towards this future path. Offering even a rough idea of your career plan is a valuable, and must-have, addition to your CV.
- Rebecca
Read related posts written by Rebecca:
3 Questions To Help Your CV Stand Out From the Competition
The 5 Keyword Types To Use in your LinkedIn Profile
The Number 1 Mistake Women Make On Their CVs
Rebecca speaks at PWC - Managing Difficult Conversations
I gave a presentation to over 120 employees at PriceWaterhouseCoopers yesterday, all about 'managing difficult conversations'.
'Miscommunication' is such a common issue and the cause of many a disagreement. We all have a tendency to mind-read how other people might be thinking; we make assumptions; and often exude sweeping generalisations as to how things appear to us.
This is an enormous topic so I thought I'd pull out 4 key thoughts to share with you here :
1. Use specifics whenever possible. Instead of making (sometimes absurd) generalisations, offer specific examples to make your point. The more specific you are, the better.
2. Never assume that your definition of any word is the same definition that your counterpart would apply. For instance: I might view 'openness' as 'giving you a snapshot of my weekend', whilst you may see 'openness' as 'spending 40 minutes discussing every last detail of the weekend, what you had to eat, who you met, and who you fell in love with...'
3. If criticising anyone make sure you do this at the level of 'behaviour' and not 'identity'. For example: "When you forgot to put the bin out, it annoyed me" is a world apart from simply, "You are hopeless!"
4. Respect others' views; they may genuinely 'see' things differently to you.
If you want to share any comments or experiences, please do! - RW
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
INTERVIEW: Liz Woodgate talks about Ultra Running!
Liz Woodgate, our rousing speaker @ “Rise Then Shine” on 16 June, is a mum, successful small business owner and an Ultra Runner.
Here’s an excerpt from our interview with Liz:
Q: You’ve run over 30 long-distance races, culminating last year in a 240km affair across the Alps - what drives you?
"I believe in setting a good example for my children by setting and meeting goals; my 15 year old son has dreams of riding in the Tour de France and I hope that in some way my achievements have helped him do that. I cherish every training kilometre I put in and spend with friends and feel extremely fortunate to be fit and healthy enough to make it to a race start line each time. I love that I have inspired other women, now close friends, to come running with me and who now have numerous marathons on their resumes. I love that in this sport the girls can mix it with the boys… and you are never be too old. And finally I love that you can win in a sport where ‘winning’ doesn’t necessarily mean coming first; in my book, just crossing the line makes you a winner."
Q: How do you keep yourself focused when racing such distances?
"1. Break it down
It’s essential not to over-think the distance; I don’t stand on the start line thinking ‘I’m about to run 100kms!’ Focus on your first 1km and then the next one. Once you’ve reached 5km you’re almost at the 10km mark and so on. Even a slow jog is faster than walking – the more you run, the quicker you will finish.
2. Don’t try anything new on race day!
Practise your eating plan; wear in your clothes and equipment; get used to running in the bush in the dark; run in the rain; make all the wrong turns and mistakes during your training.
3. Set realistic goals
Make your first goal to get to the start line, fit and healthy. Second, aim to finish and lastly, aim to finish in a realistic time. And if conditions change or deteriorate, simply re-adjust your goals. Only by setting realistic goals will you enjoy the race.
4. Accept factors you can’t change
If it starts to rain, get wet; everyone else will be getting wet too. Just make sure you have appropriate equipment and clothing, that you have already tested, in all conditions. Accept that parts of the race may be congested and that you may need to walk; remember, everyone else will be held back too. Be flexible. Adapt to your changing circumstances and move on.
5. Work as a team
About Liz Woodgate: In 1996 Liz completed her first Ironman Triathlon. Since 2003 she has completed 6 Ironman races; 9 road marathons; the 6ft Track Ultra marathon 3 times; Oxfam Trailwalker 7 times; and the North Face 100km 3 times. In 2009 Liz travelled to Germany with her husband to take part in the 5th Gore Tex Transalpine race, a staggering 240km off-road race across 4 countries and climbing mountains with an accumulated ascent of over 15,000m... in 8 days!
A huge thank you to Liz for catching up with us, sharing some phenomenal photos and sharing her experiences! - RW
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
VIDEO: Watch Jean Sun talk about 'Rise Then Shine'!
Click the link above to hear from Jean Sun, talking about her experiences at 'Rise Then Shine', our breakfasts for professional women.
When: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday - 645am for 7am start. Ends 840am.
Where: Aurora Bar, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD.
Book tickets online: via 'Ask Rebecca How'
When: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday - 645am for 7am start. Ends 840am.
Where: Aurora Bar, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD.
Book tickets online: via 'Ask Rebecca How'
Why 'Why...' Questions Stink!
'Why...?' questions, by their very nature, sound judgmental and can easily imply that you disagree with your buddy's approach, e.g. "Why (on earth) would you do that?"
You will be the most help to your buddy by remaining both neutral and non-judgmental and a great way to do that is to use 'neutral' questioning techniques.
Instead of asking 'why', start your questions with, 'How...?', 'What...?' and 'Who...?' and you'll help your buddy achieve forwards momentum...without getting her back up! :) -RW
How to Beat Procrastination: One Bite At A Time!
Brian Tracy, a well known American coach, wrote a book called 'Eat That Frog' which explores a simple, yet effective, theory on task prioritisation.
In the book he explains that all of our tasks are like 'frogs'. Some are big and ugly and others small and pretty. He argues that when looking at our to-do lists, we tend to pluck out the 'small, pretty' tasks (or frogs) first because they are the easiest to tackle.
What we fail to see however, is that the bigger, uglier tasks are neglected; we acknowledge they still need attention but by the time we've completed all of those smaller, less important tasks, it is already the end of the day and we've no energy left to act!
What's worse still is that the thought of those ugly frogs lingers in the subconscious mind... often for days at a time... and may even keep you up at night!
"Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today."
So here's a suggestion. Take your to do list (if you don't have this written down, get a notebook today!) and number your tasks. Make sure your Number One task is the ugliest, hairiest, meanest, fattest 'frog' on the list and then number the rest of your tasks accordingly.
Now take action and tackle those tasks at the top of your list first and when you are feeling most resourceful. Break them down into bite sized chunks and set yourself realistic completion deadlines.
"How do you eat an elephant?"
"One delicious bite at a time."
I am sure that once those big ugly frogs are off your list you'll feel a real sense of achievement, calm and control. - RW
Monday, June 14, 2010
VIDEO: Daniela talks about her experience at 'Rise Then Shine'
Click the link above to hear from Daniela Cavalletti talking about her experiences at 'Rise Then Shine', our breakfasts for professional women.
When: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday - 645am for 7am start. Ends 840am.
Where: Aurora Bar, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD.
Book tickets online: via 'Ask Rebecca How'
When: Every 1st and 3rd Wednesday - 645am for 7am start. Ends 840am.
Where: Aurora Bar, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD.
Book tickets online: via 'Ask Rebecca How'
How To Become a Powerful Leader - Follow My Simple Formula
I'm sure you'll agree that before you can lead others you must also know how to manage, or lead, yourself.
I'd like to share a simple formula that I use with my private coaching clients. Quite simply, you can choose to sit on one side of the formula or the other. And once you regularly begin to adopt the 'right' side of the formula, I guarantee you will not only start to lead yourself and others more effectively, you will also enjoy more success in all aspects your life.
I'd like you to imagine a line. Below the line is the acronym 'BED'. Above the line is the acronym 'ROAR'! Now, let's add some meat to explain each acronym:
R esponsible
O wnership
A ccountable
R ight now!
B lame
E xcuses
D oubt
This is a hugely powerful dimension.
So many of us, when faced with a challenge, problem or situation choose to sit on the wrong side of the dimension: below the line. If you choose your BED more often than you choose to ROAR, I guarantee you won't be enjoying the outcomes you want in your life!
You will probably spend a lot of time and energy finding reasons why things can't be done; why you don't deserve particular outcomes; why life is unfair; why Joe Bloggs is luckier than you; why Joe Smith is more successful than you; why stuff's too hard; why you didn't get that promotion; why you aren't being paid more...
It's a simple choice. Do you want to roll over and stay in BED or are you going to be accountable, stand on your bed, seize the moment right now and ROAR? - RW
Friday, May 28, 2010
Some ideas to ponder over coffee!
I visited Network Central yesterday, a fab monthly breakfast for women interested in finding balance in their professional and personal lives. There were some fabulous thoughts that came from the panel and I'd love to share them with you:
1. Once you've made a decision, invest all your energy into the decision, rather than worrying about whether or not you made the right decision!
2. To think that work is purely rational would be wrong. The workplace is full of emotion: anger, jealousy, fear, sadness, joy. We are at the end of the day human beings.
3. You never know who the key stakeholder might be: it could be the receptionist for all you know.
- RW
Monday, May 24, 2010
Our Speaker on 16th June: Elizabeth Woodgate
On 16th June, Liz Woodgate, a proud mum and fitness extraordinaire, is joining us at
'Rise Then Shine' to speak about her personal motivational drivers and the vital importance of team work.
Liz's all-women team came 1st in Oxfam's 100km Trailwalker in 2006, 2nd in 2007 and were the 3rd placed female team in 2008. Liz has completed 9 marathons, 6 Ironmans and was part of the first Australian team to complete the Gore Tech TransApline Race at the end of 2009.
It's tiring just looking at that list!
Join us in 16th June to hear about Liz's amazing stories; see some of the photos from the various events she has competed in around the world; hear about what keeps her going; and be inspired!
Our goal-setting breakfast will follow as usual - our optional theme for the morning will be 'the importance of teamwork'.
Arrive: 645am for a 7am start (Liz will be speaking from 7am). Ends: 840am
Address: 1st Floor, Aurora Bar, 88 Phillip Street, Sydney CBD.
Buy tickets online - they will sell out fast!!!
RW x
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
How to Present with Assertiveness
'Ask Rebecca How...' is here to help you solve your professional concerns and offer ideas to help you meet your challenges.
"In smaller 1-1 settings, I talk and present with confidence but really lose my nerve in bigger meetings. How can I assert myself more effectively?" - Joanna
One of the most powerful ways to fast track your career, and be recognised as a leader, is to be able to present your ideas with authority but often, we let ourselves get in the way!
When presenting in front of a larger audience, particular limiting decisions often come into play. Do any of these thoughts run through your head?
a) "What if my opinion is wrong?"
b) "I am not knowledgable enough."
c) "The people in the meeting will judge me."
Largely because of beliefs like these, many people will 'hold back' in bigger meetings, waiting for the ideal time to speak. However, the longer this goes on, the harder it is to interject and offer your view. It's time to make some changes and here are some tips to help you:
1. Prepare for your meetings. Write your ideas and opinions down and rehearse them out loud until you sound convincing!
2. How about this: how can you ever be 'wrong' when 'truth' does not exist? To 'be wrong' implies there can only be one possible answer... which is, when you think about it, ludicrous. All anyone has is their opinion based on their own experiences and view of the world. Give yourself permission to offer your opinion; the worst that will happen is that someone else will have a different opinion to you... and that is all!
3. Focus your attention on the knowledge you do have, rather than worrying about what you don't know (yet)! If you need to do some extra research, do it today.
4. Your audience will naturally make a subconscious judgment about you, based first on your tone of voice and body language... possibly before you have even uttered a word. Practice speaking with an appropriate level of authority and rehearse a few subtle gestures that will support the points you wish to make.
Happy presenting! - RW
4 Steps To Listen Effectively & Build Rapport
I think that 'listening' is one of the most powerful of all communication skills and yet we are never really taught, at school or otherwise, how to do it properly.
Effective listening requires a great deal more than merely 'hearing' what your counterpart has to say. Effective listening requires a conscious commitment to be wholly present and to digest every word that is spoken.
Here are some ideas to help boost your listening skills:
1. Before entering your meeting, leave your own 'stuff' outside of the room! Our minds easily wander and a great tip is to literally 'park' your own distractions at outside of the door before you come in; you can always pick them up later when you leave!
2. When engaging your counterpart, consciously turn off your own inner voice, or mental chatter. This voice constantly lists all the things you have to get done today: 'planning tonight's dinner... organising a meeting with my manager; speaking to Sally about Friday; and oh... God... I've got to buy a present for Joe and when will I fit that in?; the dry cleaning needs collecting....' and so it goes on.
3. Occasionally check in with your partner to clarify her point or to ensure you have understood her correctly. Use her words when you do this - it shows you are really listening and helps to build rapport.
4. A final tip - turn your mobile off and put it in your bag! There's nothing ruder or more distracting than having a mobile on the table!! - RW
2 Tips To Achieve Promotion
"I really want to ensure I am promoted this year. Do you have any tips that will help?" - Lynda
Tip 1: Look around you and choose a senior manager whom you respect and who already holds the position you wish to be promoted to. Observe his/her attitudes, behaviours and skills and note them down. As of today, start to emulate this person. Adopt their attitudes and behaviours; dress in a similar way; stand and walk with a similar posture; even try to think as they do. To be recognised for promotion you must 'act as if' you are already there. By proving, through demonstration, that you are already more than capable of fulfilling this elevated role, your chances of success will be considerably higher.
Tip 2: Note down the date when you wish to be promoted. Keep it close and review it regularly. Be proactive amd ask yourself every day, "What one thing can I do today to help me be promoted by date X?" - RW
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Does Money Really Bring Happiness?
“If you work just for the money, you’ll never make it…
…But if you love what you’re doing, success will be yours.”
Ray Kroc, the founder of McDonald’s, said that.
No-one can deny that the glorious Golden Arches of McDonald’s represent a phenomenal success story. McDonald’s was only established in 1955 and now serves 60 million customers daily and boasts whopping annual revenues of US$25 billion.
Ray’s philosophy obviously counts for something… but Rays point, of course, is all about our definition of ‘success’.
How about making a couple of nips and tucks to Ray’s quote?
“If you’re chasing the dollar that’s all you may ever get.
But if you love what you do…
Not only will you enjoy deep satisfaction, you’ll probably get the dollar too.”
It even rhymes! Nice.
- RW
© Rebecca Wells, Ask Rebecca How 2010.
How to Leapfrog The Barriers to your Success!
Ask Rebecca How... is here to help you solve your issues. Here is a question from Marrianne:
"I have lots of doubts in my mind, all the time. They stop me from doing so many things and I'd love to know how to control them."
Rebecca says:
In truth, there are many perceived barriers to success: fear; procrastination; perfectionism (in some cases); needing absolute certainty; lack of time; the list goes on…
One of the most powerful facts I ever learnt was this: these 'barriers' are not real. They are mere perceptions that are created in the mind. They do not 'exist', like the screen you are reading this on - they are created by you in your mind by thoughts... and thoughts alone.
And if YOU created them, then YOU also have the power to dissolve them if you choose to.
Think of the Nike slogan, “Just do it!”. To be successful and to achieve fulfillment, we all need to ‘just do it’!
Here are some options you could choose to act upon today:
- Take a first step into new territory and see where it takes you.
- Seize control of your life’s path and open your eyes to the possibilities waiting for you.
- Make the first move, rather than waiting to be prompted.
- Try new things on for size just for fun!
You’ll be amazed how much more productive you become; how your relationships blossom; how your self-belief flourishes; and how you enjoy your life all that much more when you are pro-active about going after what you want.
Taking that first step out of what feels comfortable and into your ‘learning zone’ is a great recipe for success.
- RW
© Rebecca Wells, Ask Rebecca How 2010.
The Importance of Mindfulness At Work
There are countless studies that demonstrate how much ‘presenteeism’ costs business.
“What is ‘presenteeism’?” I hear you ask.
If you are at work but spend a lot of time scrolling through facebook; chit-chatting about American Idol; or staring blankly at your computer screen then you are physically ‘present’ but not mentally so.
We can all ‘do mindlessness’ from time to time but this lack of engagement doesn’t just cost companies – you lose out too.
When I used to work for large corporates, I certainly welcomed doses of ‘presenteeism’ to give me some respite from my daily tasks. I have since realised that the reason, certainly for my own ‘mindlessness’ at the time, was the lack of fulfilment my job gave me.
Now, as my work involves either helping clients to achieve their goals or developing my own business, my passion and enthusiasm ooze out of every pore. There is no need for respite, there is no need for ‘a breather’… by finding my purpose, I have fulfilment and as a consequence, enjoy a conscious mindFULness in all that I do.
If you find yourself spending far too much time pushing your pencil around your desk; find excuses to avoid going to work; are dashing off for too many cigarette breaks; or making extra chocolate runs for your workmates, I’d ask yourself this one simple question:
Is it ACCEPTABLE that I am ALLOWING my time to be spent this way?
If it is, that’s fine. Only you can choose to make a change if you want it.
If it isn’t ok and you want to fill your time with projects, tasks and opportunities that excite you, thrill you, make you want to jump out of bed in the morning, and feel completely absorbed and passionate about what you do… then how about booking an Introductory Coaching session with me to explore who you really are and what you really want to do for a living.
You spend a third of your life at work – wouldn’t it be wonderful if that time gave you much greater fulfilment and you looked forward to each and every instalment?
Chat to me today to find out how.
- RW
- RW
© Rebecca Wells, Ask Rebecca How 2010.
3 Tips To Present with Confidence!
Pose your challenge to 'Ask Rebecca How...'!
"I absolutely hate presenting in front of large audiences. I go to jelly and my mind goes blank. It's horrible!" - Lucinda
Rebecca says:
Being a ‘good public speaker’ is a skill and skills can be learnt. Here are some tips to help:
1. Keep your presentation simple. The brain can only absorb small chunks of information and chunking your information into 3 main points will help to engage your audience for longer. Ask yourself what your 3 main points are and repeat them throughout.
2. Be aware of your thoughts before you get up there. If you are saying things like, “This is going to be a disaster. I’ll go red, trip up the step and no-one will listen to me.” then I guarantee that is exactly what will happen. Decide on 1 powerful thought that will help you to present more confidently. Here are some suggestions:
- “I don’t pretend to know everything about this subject but I have some fresh ideas to share with my audience.”
- “I am an interesting and engaging speaker.”
- “My presentation meets the needs of my audience and I am fully prepared.”
Remember – your beliefs will be reflected in your behaviour. So makes sure your mind is filled only with positive thoughts and you’re much more likely to present successfully.
3. Do some pre-speech visualisation. Just like a 100m sprinter imagines what he is about to do during every second of his race through to crossing the line, so should you. Picture in detail how you will stand, what you will say, how you will say it and how your audience will respond. The more you visualise success the more likely you are to achieve it.
© Rebecca Wells, Ask Rebecca How 2010. If you would like to replicate any of our content please just ask us.
3 Ways to Share Your Ideas With Rapport
Want some tips to be a better listener, manager or leader? Our 'Better Buddy' tips are just what you need!
"Is it okay to share my own examples or experiences when trying to help my friend solve her problem?"
Rebecca says:
Rebecca says:
Absolutely! But use these tips to make sure you do it with rapport!
1) Make sure your stories and experiences are relevant to your buddy's situation!
2) Don't 'make it all about you' - it is important to keep your stories short and sweet.
3) If using a friend's experience, refer to them as 'a friend of mine' rather than by name - confidentiality is an important thing!
If done respectfully and with rapport, sharing your own experiences, stories and examples can work wonders to reassure your buddy that other people do come across, and successfully solve, similar issues. - RW
How to work with other without judgment
Want some tips to be a better listener, communicator, manager or leader? Our 'Better Buddy' tips are just what you need!
"I find it hard not to judge others - is that wrong?"
Rebecca says:
Let's face it: it's human nature to judge one another. That said, people who accept others for who they are and how they see the world tend to be more successful, more amicable, attract more people to them and enjoy greater fulfilment in life. I personally find people absolutely fascinating and love the fact that we're all so different!
We all see things differently based on our experiences of the world, our values and our beliefs. As a result it is important to accept that how those around you describe their situation, or challenge, is a direct reflection of how they currently 'sees' the world.
My suggestion is that you accept how they see the situation - it doesn't mean you necessarily have to agree with it. - RW
Copywright, Rebecca Wells 2010. If you would like to replicate any of our content please just ask us!
"I find it hard not to judge others - is that wrong?"
Rebecca says:
Let's face it: it's human nature to judge one another. That said, people who accept others for who they are and how they see the world tend to be more successful, more amicable, attract more people to them and enjoy greater fulfilment in life. I personally find people absolutely fascinating and love the fact that we're all so different!
We all see things differently based on our experiences of the world, our values and our beliefs. As a result it is important to accept that how those around you describe their situation, or challenge, is a direct reflection of how they currently 'sees' the world.
My suggestion is that you accept how they see the situation - it doesn't mean you necessarily have to agree with it. - RW
Copywright, Rebecca Wells 2010. If you would like to replicate any of our content please just ask us!
How to Resolve Conflict and Manage 'Martyrs'
At Ask Rebecca How... we welcome your challenges and offer ideas to help you meet them. Mel has posed the following concern:
"I keep having the same cyclical argument with my mother. We never seem to get anywhere and I'm fed up with her being a 'martyr'. Please give me some ideas as to what to do."
Rebecca says:
It is so frustrating when the same discussion comes up time and time again, especially if you never seem to reach a positive outcome. One of the most effective things you could do is to identify the triggers that cause things to spiral out of control. Perhaps one of you says something in particular, or there is a specific behaviour that 'activates' the argument? If possible, simply prevent the triggers from 'firing'.
You have also described your mother as a 'martyr', a role similar to that of a 'victim'. This role can often be manipulative and can easily control, or direct, the discussion. Logically for there to be a 'victim', there also needs to be a 'persecutor'.
It is so frustrating when the same discussion comes up time and time again, especially if you never seem to reach a positive outcome. One of the most effective things you could do is to identify the triggers that cause things to spiral out of control. Perhaps one of you says something in particular, or there is a specific behaviour that 'activates' the argument? If possible, simply prevent the triggers from 'firing'.
You have also described your mother as a 'martyr', a role similar to that of a 'victim'. This role can often be manipulative and can easily control, or direct, the discussion. Logically for there to be a 'victim', there also needs to be a 'persecutor'.
Think about the way you behave towards your mother - are you (or those around you) encouraging her to 'remain' in the victim spot?
What might you do differently? One suggestion is not to get sucked into her game, which is to make you take pity on her (and allow her to stay a 'martyr'). React calmly, resist any temptation to bite back, or 'persecute' her and ignore any martyr-type statements she makes.
By removing anything that might fuel her martyrdom she will soon lose interest in this role. - RW
TIP - How to Overcome Feelings of Incompetence
At 'Ask Rebecca How...' we welcome your challenges so that we can offer some suggestions to help you meet them. Here's a challenge we've received from Clara:
"My boss thinks I am incompetent and it's making me miserable. Any thoughts to help me?"
Rebecca says:
How do you know, for sure, that your boss 'thinks' you're incompetent? What evidence do you have? Has s/he ever said so, in these words? My guess is that your belief above is founded on very little and is merely a mindread or assumption.
Let's take a step back for a moment. Imagine you can see yourself at work, as if you are floating above yourself. Observe what 'you' are doing in the picture. Are you behaving incompetently?
If 'no', what makes you think your boss believes your behaviour to be incompetent? Is this an assumption you have made that you are allowing to affect your mood?
If 'yes', what are you doing specifically that tells you so? Write your thoughts down.
Ask, "What is missing for me to act this way?"
- Do you need to acquire more knowledge for example?
- Or some more experience to give you greater competence?
The Launch of Rise Then Shine!
Wow! We had such a fantastic time on Wednesday! It was fabulous to be part of the activity and energy at our launch 'Rise Then Shine' event!
We're really excited to see the 'Ask Rebecca How...' community growing already and are looking forward to bringing even greater focus, personal fulfilment and success to your life!
There was such a buzz around the place - and a real energy from all the ladies who got stuck in and began to discuss their challenges!
There was such a buzz around the place - and a real energy from all the ladies who got stuck in and began to discuss their challenges!
We had all sorts of goals being set and explored. Some were around our optional theme, 'building stronger relationships' including 'opening communication channels with my sister' and 'developing a stronger relationship with our suppliers' whilst others focused on working smarter: 'becoming habitual about planning my week ahead'.
We're so looking forward to celebrating members' successes on 19th May at the next 'Rise Then Shine'! And remember to hold your buddy accountable between now and then!
Want to connect with us? Join our facebook group. If you prefer 'tweeting' we're out there on twitter too as well as posting challenges for your comments on LinkedIn. Whatever your preferred social media platform, we're there!
We would love to see you at the next 'Rise Then Shine' event on 19th May. There are fabulous launch discounts currently available on both casual tickets and memberships. Better yet, bring a friend - we've some special deals available for groups of 2+ and 5+!
Want to connect with us? Join our facebook group. If you prefer 'tweeting' we're out there on twitter too as well as posting challenges for your comments on LinkedIn. Whatever your preferred social media platform, we're there!
We would love to see you at the next 'Rise Then Shine' event on 19th May. There are fabulous launch discounts currently available on both casual tickets and memberships. Better yet, bring a friend - we've some special deals available for groups of 2+ and 5+!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Build Stronger Relationships - A Tip About 'Language'
Our optional theme at ‘Rise Then Shine’ on 5th of May is ‘building stronger
relationships’, whether that be in a corporate environment or a personal relationship. How about some think pieces to start getting our problem-solving juices flowing?
Here’s a starter for 10 which is all about language.
The language you use with others is phenomenally powerful, particularly the choice of words you use. Let’s take generalisations. Here’s one:
A: “Your work is extremely slap dash.”
Now, if your manager were to say this to you the first thing to consider is – is she right? If you don’t believe they are then this statement could be hurtful.
When managing others, whether at home or at work, it is important to be specific in the language you use. Here’s an example of how the statement above can be improved:
B: “The point you’re making, using the statistics in the first paragraph, is unclear.”
See the difference?
In ‘A’ the manager is making a sweeping generalisation about ‘your work’. It implies all of your work is ‘extremely slapdash’. In ‘B’ the manager takes much greater responsibility for her choice of language and uses specifics to explain her point. It also becomes obvious in ‘B’ what can be done to rectify the situation.
Action: Think about a time when you felt someone’s statement was unfair. It might have been the case that they made a sweeping generalisation as in ‘A’. Be aware of the language you use and make your exact point absolutely clear to avoid confusion and build trust in your relationships.
relationships’, whether that be in a corporate environment or a personal relationship. How about some think pieces to start getting our problem-solving juices flowing?
Here’s a starter for 10 which is all about language.
The language you use with others is phenomenally powerful, particularly the choice of words you use. Let’s take generalisations. Here’s one:
A: “Your work is extremely slap dash.”
Now, if your manager were to say this to you the first thing to consider is – is she right? If you don’t believe they are then this statement could be hurtful.
When managing others, whether at home or at work, it is important to be specific in the language you use. Here’s an example of how the statement above can be improved:
B: “The point you’re making, using the statistics in the first paragraph, is unclear.”
See the difference?
In ‘A’ the manager is making a sweeping generalisation about ‘your work’. It implies all of your work is ‘extremely slapdash’. In ‘B’ the manager takes much greater responsibility for her choice of language and uses specifics to explain her point. It also becomes obvious in ‘B’ what can be done to rectify the situation.
Action: Think about a time when you felt someone’s statement was unfair. It might have been the case that they made a sweeping generalisation as in ‘A’. Be aware of the language you use and make your exact point absolutely clear to avoid confusion and build trust in your relationships.
TIP: Build Stronger Relationships - A Tip About 'Language'
Our optional theme at ‘Rise Then Shine’ on 5th of May is ‘building stronger
relationships’, whether that be in a corporate environment or a personal relationship.
Here’s a starter for ten which is all about 'language'.
The language you use with others is phenomenally powerful, particularly the choice of words you use. Let’s take generalisations. Here’s one:
A: “Your work is extremely slap dash.”
Now, if your manager were to say this to you the first thing to consider is – is she right? If you don’t believe she is, then this statement could be hurtful.
When managing others, whether at home or at work, it is important to be specific in the language you use. Here’s an example of how the statement above could be improved:
B: “The point you’re making, using the statistics in the first paragraph, is unclear.”
See the difference?
In ‘A’ the manager is making a sweeping generalisation about ‘your work’. It implies all of your work is ‘extremely slapdash’. In ‘B’ the manager takes much greater responsibility for her choice of language and uses specifics to explain her point. It also becomes obvious in ‘B’ what can be done to rectify the situation.
Think about a time when you felt someone’s statement was unfair. It might have been the case that they made a sweeping generalisation as in ‘A’.
Be aware of the language you use and make your exact point absolutely clear to avoid confusion and build trust in your relationships.
RW x
relationships’, whether that be in a corporate environment or a personal relationship.
Here’s a starter for ten which is all about 'language'.
The language you use with others is phenomenally powerful, particularly the choice of words you use. Let’s take generalisations. Here’s one:
A: “Your work is extremely slap dash.”
Now, if your manager were to say this to you the first thing to consider is – is she right? If you don’t believe she is, then this statement could be hurtful.
When managing others, whether at home or at work, it is important to be specific in the language you use. Here’s an example of how the statement above could be improved:
B: “The point you’re making, using the statistics in the first paragraph, is unclear.”
See the difference?
In ‘A’ the manager is making a sweeping generalisation about ‘your work’. It implies all of your work is ‘extremely slapdash’. In ‘B’ the manager takes much greater responsibility for her choice of language and uses specifics to explain her point. It also becomes obvious in ‘B’ what can be done to rectify the situation.
Think about a time when you felt someone’s statement was unfair. It might have been the case that they made a sweeping generalisation as in ‘A’.
Be aware of the language you use and make your exact point absolutely clear to avoid confusion and build trust in your relationships.
RW x
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