Tips for Professional Women Wanting to Stand Out From The Crowd ... with Rebecca Allen
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Quotes I Love: Some Principles To Live By!
My mum, Linda, introduced me to Regina Brett: a woman who decided at age 90 to write 45 Life Principles, based on her own life experiences. Here are some that I love:
1. Life isn't fair, but it's still good.
2. Don't take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
3. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don't save it for a special occasion, today is special.
4. And lastly: be eccentric now. Don't wait for old age to wear purple.
Love it! - RW
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Is This YOUR Life's Purpose?
One of the greatest barriers to you leading a more fulfilling life is your own lack of awareness how it could be better.
Let's face it: life is busy. Hectic even. You've hundreds of thoughts, roles and activities to juggle daily. Maybe you're a mum, a taxi service, a lawyer, a laundry magician, a counsellor, an entertainer, a comedienne, Head of Logistics, a wife, a lover, a mathematician, Master Grocery Shopper and when you can fit it in, a Yogi.
That's a lot to take on!
The question is.. does all of it... or at least most of it bring you happiness and fulfilment?
If not, take a step back. Make some time for yourself. Go to the beach. Relax with a coffee. Put yourself, your dreams and your aspirations first. Suck your head out of the sand and ask yourself,
"Is this it? Am I leading my life's purpose?"
- Is this the life that I want above all else?
- Is this what gives me purpose?
- Is this what deeply fulfils me?
- Can I put my head on the pillow at night and feel satisfied in the knowledge that I've led the richest of rich days?
Now I'm not saying that every day can be wholly enriching. And I'm not suggesting we don't all have bad, or off, days. Because of course we all do.
But what I am saying, is that it is up to each of us to decide how we wish to lead our own lives. And to take daily steps, however small, towards living that life. However grand. However ideal. However wonderful. - RW
Join us to 'Sculpt Your Life', our Longer Term goal planning program, if you want to start getting clarity on your longer term plans (and purpose)! Visit
Sunday, August 15, 2010
A Fulfilled Life: Does Luck Enter Into It?
In my career coaching practice, one of the things I hear fairly commonly is this:
"The ideal career doesn't exist. I mean, people who enjoy what they do for a living just got lucky."
Possibly. Possibly not.
One of the most sensible things someone very close to me once said was, "You create your own luck". The more I think about this mantra, and apply it to my own life, the more it makes sense to me.
To lead a life that gives you purpose requires for you to live it purposefully. That means 'with intention, with direction, with gusto'!
Ask yourself:
"What sort of people do I want around me in my life?"
"What sort of career would best fulfill me?"
"What am I truly here to do?"
"If I could wave a wand, how would I make my life different?"
"If I were to look back on my life at age 85, what did it have to include for me to rest happy?"
Why not seek out your 'ideals'. They are, after all, what will bring you the deepest satisfaction, happiness and success in your life.
- RW
'You only live once. Decide what you're here to do.TM'
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
6 Tips To Be Better at Budgeting!
I'm no financial planner but what I can share with you are a number of strategies that my clients have developed to help them budget more effectively.
1. The first step is to be totally honest with yourself about your outgoings and take action to make positive change to your spending habits:
2. Go through your bills and list all your outgoings: mortgage/ rent; utilities; fees; loan/visa re-payments; car maintenance; clothes; children; travel; social; sport; hobbies; groceries; weekday lunches; weekend meals and entertainment; professional services (massage, hairdresser, chiropractor) etc. Don't stop until you have everything listed and you get a reality check as to where all your money is going; you might want to make sure you're sitting down!
3. Decide what can be cut from your list of outgoings: what can you easily do without? Simple things, like taking lunch to work three days a week, could save you over $1000 a year! Now decide what you are going to do with all that money you will save each month!
4. Make a solid monthly commitment to clear any credit card debt. Avoid 'impulse buys' by leaving your credit card at home!
5. As soon as you get paid (by your employer), pay yourself i.e. transfer money immediately to a savings account (away from your everyday account). You won't even notice it's gone and will steadily help you to build a healthy reserve!
6. Invest in a qualified financial planner to help you get on top of your finances and start planning for your future. Always seek advice from a trained professional. - RW
Monday, August 2, 2010
3 Tips To Enjoy More 'Me' Time - The Value of Self-Care
We all know it's important to look after ourselves; without 'health', we've got very little! Despite knowing this, taking time out to relax is still low on the priority list for many of us.
If 'feeling selfish' is your barrier it's important to note that there is an enormous difference between 'selfishness' and 'self care'. The latter is all about making the time to nurture yourself; to wind down; to clear your mind so that you are more effective - both for yourself and others.
Here are some tips to help you make 'time for me' more of a priority:
1. Say 'no' sometimes! Put your own values and priorities first more often than you are doing and remember this is you being 'self-caring' not 'selfish'.
2. Diary everything else around your 'me time' rather than trying to shoehorn some relaxation in at the end of the week!
3. Once you're in the midst of enjoying some well-deserved 'me time' live in the moment and do enjoy it! Turn everything else off and if any self-imposed guilty thoughts creep in, remind yourself of the importance of self-care!
- RW
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